After School Programs » A+ Program

A+ Program


The A+ office is located on the mauka side of the stage in the cafeteria. The A+ office is open daily after school, 2:00/1:35 (Wed) – 5:30pm. The A+ phone number is 305-0036. If your child will not report to A+ for the day, please call the A+ office to notify them. A+ receives the absentee list daily, but if your child is released early from the health room or on an off-campus pass, please notify the A+ office.
Registration forms are available in the A+ office. Upon completion of your form, a fee will be determined and payment will be collected. To be considered for free A+, please bring 1 month of current pay stubs and you need to meet the income requirements.
If you have any questions, feel free to call Jennifer Heya at 305-0036. You may also call and leave a message or text the site phone at (808) 445-1654 and the Site Coordinator will respond quickly.


New monthly fee is $120 and before care is now $65.
Fees are averaged for the school year over nine months, and will be paid on or postmarked before the first school day of each month.
The monthly fee will be charged, no matter how many days a child participates in the program. There will be no refunds for unused days. If enrolled, that child’s slot is reserved and the program is staffed accordingly.


Monthly fees are due and payable at the school (or postmarked if mailed) on or before the first school day of each month. Checks should be made payable to Kamaʻaina Kids. Kamaʻaina Kids now accepts Credit Card payments or you can also pay automatically through a checking account also.
Cash will be accepted. However, checks are preferred. Payments should be mailed to the attention of the A+ Program at the school address or brought in by a parent to the Site Coordinator. Payments should not be sent to school with children. There will be a $25.00 service charge for all returned checks. Cash payments should not be mailed. (re: ksakuda080612)
Original receipts of payment are held in the A+ office. Please come to the office to retrieve the receipt. The receipts will not be sent home with your child.

Late Payments

A $5.00 late charge per child/per day shall be imposed for each school day a payment is overdue up to 5 school days.


If a child’s parents/guardians have not paid the monthly tuition within the first five (5) A+ Program days of the month, the child shall be terminated on the sixth A+ Program day. Failure to pay any outstanding fees (e.g., late payment fees, late pickup fees, etc.) by the end of the month shall result in termination from the program. Any exceptions to this policy must be approved by the A+ District Coordinator. The child may re-enroll the next month if the parent/guardian pays the new month’s tuition, all outstanding fees, and a penalty fee of $15 for reinstatement. If there is more than one child enrolled in the A+ program, the family is penalized for a flat reinstatement fee of $15.

Discipline Management Plan

Student and Parent Rules for A+
  • All students must check in directly after school.  If your child is attending after school classes, it is VERY important that your child still check into A+. If your child is being picked up after school, please let A+ know so we can sign your child out.
  • The person picking up your child from A+ needs to sign out the child.  Students will not be released from A+ without a signature. If there is a last-minute change of plans, a phone call is needed to the Site Coordinator before the end of the school day.  A student will not be released without proper authorization and parent/ guardian identification.
  • Once the child is signed out, the child should not return to A+ until the next day.
  • Bring your own pencil, pen or other supplies to be able to start your homework successfully. If you do not have one, you may ask your leader to borrow and you are responsible to return it when you are done.
  • Snack is now provided.  You can also bring more snacks if you want to for your child.  Be sure to throw your rubbish IN THE TRASH CAN when you are done.
  • DO NOT LEAVE THE GROUP without proper authorization.  No walking around, unattended.
  • PARTICIPATION IN ALL A+ ACTIVITIES IS ENCOURAGED!  If you are not allowed to perform certain activities, a note is needed from your parents.
  • Chapter 19 rules and regulations will be followed. Students should respect other student’s personal belongings and space. Do not touch or take what DOES NOT belong to you. Keep your space respectful.
  • Disrespectful, insubordinate or abusive behavior will not be tolerated. If a student chooses to disrespect another student, school property, or cause harm or threats, the following procedures will occur immediately:
    • 1st offense: Parents are called immediately and informed of the situation.  A follow up letter (A+ Program Discipline Report) will be given to the parent at time of pick up.  The report requires a signature by the parent.
    • 2nd offense: Parent will be called in for a meeting with the student and Site Coordinator.  Meeting will be held at time of pick up. A second follow up letter will be sent home. That too will require a signature by the parent.
    • 3rd offense: Suspension from the A+ program.
    • 4th offense: Removal from the A+ program will be determined.  Keep in mind this procedure will follow certain actions. If a child does serious harm where bodily harm occurred, the student will immediately be released from the A+ program for the safety of all students.