Community Engagement
Aloha! This page provides information to stakeholders about our school’s finances and operations for School Year 2024-25 via our Academic Plan and Comprehensive Financial Plan. Our School Community Council (SCC), made up of principals, teachers, staff, students, parents, and volunteer community members, helps to craft and approve these plans for the following school year.
An election is held annually to set membership on the sec. If you’re interested in joining our sec, please contact the principal. Learn more about School Community Councils on the Hawaii DOE website.
Strategic Plan
The Strategic Plan describes shared objectives for equity and excellence for every child. To measure progress on the Strategic Plan, we report on key statewide success indicators. These indicators represent the health of public education, focusing on those which have greatest impact on student success, as well as state and federal requirements. They do not comprehensively represent the diverse measures of success valued by our nearly 300 schools. Schools address their unique approach to indicators through their Academic and Financial Plans and charter school contracts.